Angel Lai Shi Xuan

Age: 17
Birthdate: 21 March 1993
Birthplace: Singapore
Squad Number: 06
Joined Agape: June 2010
Agape Debut: Against Kebun Baru Femme Fatales (16/10/2010)
Appearances (League): 2
Goals (League): –
Assists (League): –

Angel is the captain of her school’s team and Agape is proud to have signed her as a player. She has good technical skills and plays as a forward. Her lack of experience in playing 5v5 may cause her to find it hard to adapt initally but the coach believes that she will overcome it and become better.

She currently plays forward for the team and is adapting quickly to the role. Hopefully she will be able to score a few goals for the league.

Coach: ‘I hope to see Angel step up and speak out. I believe that she has great potential in her and we need to help her unlock those potential in her. It’s good to see her technical skills as it means that she should have no problem fitting into our system and style of play.’


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