Catherine Kee Shi Ying

Age: 18
Birthdate: 11 January 1992
Birthplace: Singapore
Squad Number: 07
Joined Agape: June 2010
Agape Debut: Against Valtina Warriors (07/11/2010)
Appearances (League): 4
Goals (League): –
Assists (League): –

Catherine plays for Nanyang Junior College as a forward. She was spotted during a floorball event by one of the players in Agape and was invited down to the team. She then made a decision to join Agape. She has shown glimpse of talent while playing.

During the past few months, she has converted to playing as a defender. This exposure to the different positions will help her in her reading of the game and understanding the various challenges in each position. As for which position she will play for Division 2, we will wait and see. She is a friend to many players in the team too.

Coach: ‘The exposure to being a defender is necessary for her to grow in her understanding of the game. I think that we’ll see which position will best suit her for the upcoming league. She need to not forget her basics and keep learning. Catherine must continue to be humble for her to improve.’


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