Elita Chong

Age: 22
Birthdate: 08 January 1988
Birthplace: Singapore
Squad Number: 04
Joined Agape: January 2010
Agape Debut: Against Kebun Baru Femme Fatales (16/10/2010)
Appearances (League): 5
Goals (League): –
Assists (League): –

Elita comes from SIM and is considered new to the sport, with just about 1-2 years of experience under her belt. Her experience during last year Division 2 in which she played for SIM Inferno as well as during this year IVP in which she played for SIM would helped her in her learning of the sport.

She has demonstrated the desire to learn new things and has proven to be a worthy player in Agape. She has been trying to improve herself in terms of technical and tactical abilities. She has been playing as a defender so far.

Coach: ‘She needs to open up more and continue to work on her technical skills. Elita plays as a defender so far and this may be the role that she will be taking on in Division 2. I think that she needs to be willing to embrace new ideas and be open to changes in order to improve.’


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