Connie Tan

Age: 19
Birthdate: 23 March 1991
Birthplace: Singapore
Squad Number: 03
Joined Agape: January 2010
Agape Debut: Against Kebun Baru Femme Fatales (16/10/2010)
Appearances (League): 4
Goals (League): –
Assists (League): –

Connie came down for our training in 2009 but did not play due to her examinations and other commitments. But in 2010, she has decided to play for the team. Her playing experience for her school, Temasek Junior College, will help her during her time with us in Agape. She is still raw in terms of floorball, having just picked up the sport about a couple of years back.

She has a desire to attack and that can be seen from the way she plays on court. While she may look gentle, she can be tough as a forward on court. Usually, she plays as a forward, but recently, she has tried out other positions. She will need to work on her passing.

Coach: ‘Connie has a deep desire to shoot and score – the making of a good goal-poacher. While this is a strength, it could also be a weakness if she does not pass the ball around. But I believe that she has learnt much over the past few months and will continue to grow in her capacity as a player.’


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