Joanne Gay Hui Yan

Age: 20
Birthdate: 16 August 1990
Birthplace: Singapore
Squad Number: 19
Joined Agape: August 2010
Agape Debut: Against Panthera FC (09/10/2010)
Appearances (League): 10
Goals (League): 2
Assists (League): 3

Joanne has not played floorball on a competitive level before but her previous sporting experience in Softball and her love for sports will allow her to pick up the sport faster. She usually plays as a forward and her toughness on court is a strong driving force for the team.

While she may not be strong on her technical skills, she makes it up by practising more and using her physical abilities and mind to beat her opponents. She also has a fire within her when she plays. Off court, her willingness to support the team and mentality of team first makes her a player to be sought after.

Coach: ‘Joanne is different from other players. I see a fire and passion in her whenever she plays and I think this is to her advantage. I hope that she will be able to make use of that and continue working on improving her skills. I’m happy to have her as a forward. She’s a great addition to Agape.’


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