Teo Kai En

Age: 17
Birthdate: 16 May 1993
Birthplace: Singapore
Squad Number: 16
Joined Agape: February 2009
Agape Debut: Against SMU Foxes (15/08/2009)
Appearances (League): 17
Goals (League): 2
Assists (League): –

Kai En made it for half of the league games last season due to her school commitments and examinations. But during that 6 appearances, she scored one goal. Considering that this was her debut season, she has done really well. She exceeded all expectations in her first league in Division 2.

After the season ended, she resumed training with VJC and has improved in terms of her fitness and technical abilities. In preparation for this season’s Division 2, she has been training with the team.

Coach: ‘Kai En surprised me when she scored in her debut season but this just show me that she has what it takes to be a good player if she continue to work hard and put in her best during each training session. Over the past few months, I see her taking on the role as a defender for her school team and that could be a position that she could play for us as well, but we’ll see.’


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