Wong Ai Wen

Wong Ai Wen
Age: 19
Birthdate: 09 January 1990
Birthplace: Singapore
Squad Number: 5
Joined Agape: February 2009
Agape Debut: Against SMU Foxes (15/08/2009)
Appearances (League): 12
Goals (League): 3
Assists (League): –

Ai Wen was the Captain of Raffles Junior College (RJC) Floorball Team when she was in Year 2. She was instrumental in leading the team to clinching the 3rd position in the 2008 A Divison Floorball Competition. She used to play forward but was shifted back to play as the last man for the team. Her ability to defend and ball control allowed her teammates to go forward to score, while being able to depend on her to cover the back.

After joining Agape Floorball, she was chosen as the Captain of the team. After bring elected as Captain, she has actively been trying to improve the team both in terms of attitude as well as performance. She now plays as last man for Agape Floorball and her dedication for the game and determination to fight for each ball has served her well in the trainings and games so far. She contributed one assist in the SGS friendly match.

Coach Marcus has this to say of Ai Wen, ‘Having Ai Wen on the team is a blessing as she is not just a good player but a good leader. It’s great to see her playing on court and her attitude off court. The team will do well if she is able to get all the players on the same page and show them the vision and direction that lies ahead and getting their full support to run the race together.’

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